You searched for:
“to produce”
Units related to:
“to produce”
(Latin: to make, to produce, to bring forth)
(Latin: to make, to do, to build, to cause, to produce; forming, shaping)
(Latin: to bear, to carry; to produce; to bring)
(Latin: shape, structure, figure, outer appearance, composition, to compose; visual appearance; spacial arrangement; to develop or to acquire; to produce)
(Greek: genein, "to produce"; all the genetic information possessed by any organism)
(Greek: nature, natural, inborn [to make grow, to produce])
(Greek: a plant; growth; growing in a specified way or place; to produce)
(robotics engineers blend expertise from fields of biology and computer engineering to produce robots that mimic living creatures)
(utilizing insects to produce practical substances)
A unit at Get Words related to:
“to produce”
(economics involves business and financial activities that show how people choose to use their limited resources (land, labor, and capital goods) to produce, exchange, and to consume goods and services)